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April 17, 2020 3 min read

What is Mattress King Doing During COVID


COVID-19 has become one the world's deadliest viruses and taken countless lives. Besides being a killer, COVID-19 has adversely affected the economy all around the globe.

Different states are putting measures to regulate the movements of people as a way of controlling the spread of the deadly virus. While you can observe social distancing, there is no better way to control the spread of the world's pandemic than self-quarantine. Staying safe at home is a sure-bet. There are a lot of things you can do while keeping yourself safe at your home. And honestly, sleep is no exception. Everyone loves to sleep—the quality of sleep you get can directly impact your overall quality of life. In most cases, quality sleep is associated with many different things-these include your routine, quality of mattress, and sleeping behaviors. You can go on and on. But today, we are going to talk about mattresses.

Mattress shopping is as important as picking the right doctor. Why? You would not go to and eye doctor for a broken leg, right? The leading factors for most shoppers are price and comfort. Does the mattress you are looking at provide the support your body needs? How about its lifespan? Those are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself before you consider purchasing a mattress. While making a mattress purchase is never guaranteed to be the perfect mattress, Mattress King promises to provide customers with a 100 night comfort guarantee just in case you buy the wrong one. 

Mattress King Oklahoma cares about the well-being of its customers. The company has provided an online shopping option where customers can order mattresses from the comfort of their own home. As the virus continues to turn the world upside down, Mattress King has taken every necessary precaution to ensure the health and wellness of both employees and customers is maintained. During these turbulent times, Mattress King has implemented additional measures as needed to help limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Keeping within strict safety guidelines has been an area Mattress King continues to strive to achieve. 


What steps has Mattress King Oklahoma taken during this time of uncertainty?

Mattress King is ultimately a winner when it comes to steps taken to combat the COVID19 outbreak. This starts with hygiene in the store and we strive in that department. All mattresses are cleaned and lint rolled to ensure cleanliness along with pillow covers being offered for customers to use while trying out a new mattress. All customers are encouraged to start the interaction at the sanitizer kiosk where the employee and customer apply hand sanitizer. The stores are vacuumed and floors sanitized nightly. We believe in this practice and have implemented it many years ago. Door handles and surfaces are sanitized on a daily basis to limit exposure.

Mattress King is monitoring all staff health. If a staff member feels ill they must leave the location immediately. If a staff member has traveled into a hot zone the employee will be in quarantine for 14 days before returning to work.


How Mattress King delivers its mattresses?
Mattress King has begun safe, no-contact delivery options. We will still come to your home and setup your adjustable bed, we just ask that you allow us to have the room to ourselves.

We are also offering drop off services at your home. We use sanitizer before we start each delivery and after we are done at your home to avoid spread of germs.


Quality sleep

Quality sleep starts at Mattress King. We understand the hardships and want you to know that you can still get a new mattress and a great night of sleep safely.

Buying online and having the mattress delivered to your door allows for stress-free, safe shopping.


Final thought

The Coronavirus has no known cure at this time. However, great sleep can keep you healthy and alert to protect yourself. Sleep good and stay healthy! 

Written by Ryan Farris Founder